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Monday, 14 October 2013

Who Colonised Africa ' Few Facts'

Colonialism is the system or policy by which a country maintains foreign colonies, especially in order to exploit them economically.
The purposes of colonialism included economic exploitation of the colony’s natural resources, creation of new markets for the colonialist, and extension of the colonialist’s way of life beyond its national borders. In the years 1500-1900, Europe colonised all of North and South America and Australia, most of Africa, and much of Asia by sending settlers to populate the land or by taking control of governments. The first colonies were established in the Western Hemisphere by the Spanish and Portuguese in the 15th-16th century. The Dutch colonised Indonesia in the 16th century, and Britain colonised North America and India in the 17th-18th century. Later, British settlers colonised Australia and New Zealand. Colonisation of Africa only began in earnest in the 1880s, but by 1900 virtually the entire continent was controlled by Europe.
Freemasons were behind the colonial rule. Though the mainstream answer to the origins of this organisation is that it developed in the late 16th century from stone workers’ guilds and became a fraternal organisation which carries out various charitable deeds for local communities… this is a far cry from the truth. Freemasonry in reality has roots that delve far back into the past… to an antediluvian source.
In 1879, the British colony of Natal invaded the neighboring Zulu kingdom. Large numbers of Natal Africans fought with the British against 

Freemasons killed millions across the world to dominate their countries for exploitation of rich mineral resources and earn profits, they also annihilated many ancient indigenous cultures like Indians, Aborigines in Australia, Native American Indians, Africans, Caribs, Maya, Aztecs etc. Freemasonry was imposed upon the people of colonial countries through violence and genocides, there was no other way people would have allowed these Freemason colonialists, who had absolutely no relation to their rich cultures and traditions, to enter their countries and establish Lodges.
Freemason colonialists ‘relinquished’ power and some of them left, but their Lodges are still operational, with members of these victim countries present in them, holding high ranks in both the Lodges and the government. These members were long ago corrupted, persuaded and bought by Mason colonialists, through enticement by material comforts and high social status.
Freemasons infiltrated various countries forcibly through colonisation, and that is a fact…
Freemasons, the very people who enslaved Africa, became freedom fighters and in those freedom struggles thousands were again slaughtered. Freemasons usually posed as the saviour of people during colonial times, but, due to ignorance, people didn’t realise that the colonialists were also Freemasons.
And the same fake freedom fighters initiated the local freedom fighters into Freemasonry, who later became presidents. The perfect example of this is 33 Degree Freemason Nelson Mandela, who was a South African freedom fighter and later became president of the country. He also signed the constitution of South Africa in 1997. Which raises the question of whether he was ever imprisoned, or was it just a mind control tool to derail the independence of black South Africa?
Kenya in the 1950s, one of Britain's most violent decolonisation wars
Another example is Jomo Kenyatta, who became prime minister of the autonomous Kenyan government, with Queen Elizabeth II remaining as Head of State (after Independence, styled as Queen of Kenya), represented by a Governor-General. Kenyatta later became Kenya’s first president in 1964.
The Mau Mau Uprising took place in Kenya against British colonialists, but after being persuaded and brainwashed by Freemasons, they ended up killing 50,000 of their own people.
Following Freemasonry’s style, “they used an … initiation oath as a way to secure loyalty to their secret political army. The early violence of Mau Mau was of the press-gang variety, directed against those of their fellow Africans who refused to swear the initiation oath.”
Mbiyu Koinange, a powerful Minister of State in the Office of the President during Kenyatta’s rule, had, among his guarded engagements beyond public duties, a membership in the Freemasons Society. A letter — now part of declassified personal files — he received on June 1, 1970 from Murad Kassam, the secretary of the Freemasons, reads in part:
“You are summoned to attend the Lodge at Freemasons Hall, Nairobi, on Friday 19, 1970 at 6.30 pm. The Lodge will be tyled up at 6.45 precisely. By command of the Right Worshipful Master, Brother M. Basheen Chaudry. Dress code: Dinner jacket and white gloves.”
In Masonic speak, to ‘tyle’ is to ‘guard the door from unqualified, malicious or the curious’.
Among the businesses of the day, reads the letter, was to “open the Lodge, read summons covering the meeting and ballot for initiation into Freemasons of Mr Humphrey Rugunda Njoroge, the Assistant Exchange Controller, Central Bank of Kenya.”
The other agenda was “to take collection in aid of the Lodge and to raise into the sublime Degree of Master Mason” of, among others, a former minister of Health, one of Kenya’s eminent historians and Mbiyu Koinange.
‘Brother’ Kyale Mwendwa was named in the letter as the Lodge’s ‘Inner Guard’. That is a junior officer who guards the Lodge from inside the door. Kyale Mwendwa later became MP for Kitui West in 1986, after his brother, former Chief Justice Kitili Mwendwa, died in a car accident in 1985.
Charles Njonjo, a former Attorney General and Minister of Constitutional Affairs, and Moody Awori, a former Vice-President, are self-confessed Freemasons.
There are thousands of corrupt, communist, racist Freemason politicians in Africa. These politicians are placed in power by their Masonic godfathers in France and Britain to plunder rich mineral and oil resources of Africa, and to keep Africans in extreme poverty.
Examples include: Denis Sassou Nguesso, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Congo. Sassou ruled the country from 1979 to 1992 as a dictator, when the country was a Marxist-Leninist single-party state. He was a communist, and was responsible for the Republic of Congo civil war.
Idriss Déby, the president of Chad, who used philanthropic money to buy arms instead of using it to eradicate poverty and hunger.
Ali Bongo, the president of Gabon, who succeeded his father, Omar Bongo, not only as the country’s leader, but also as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Gabon and the Grand Equitorial Rite.
Africa’s founding fathers were all Freemasons.
The reason behind the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi is that Libya was the biggest obstacle to the continued super-exploitation of Africa and its vast resources. Libya was using its oil wealth to gradually close the doors to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the hegemony of the American dollar in the economic domination of Africa. We have eliminated a government which distributed its oil wealth more equally than any other Arab state and have destroyed Africa’s best hope for independent development.
Gaddafi’s determination to eliminate Africa’s dependence on Western financial institutions was one of the most serious threats faced by global capitalism. Gaddafi was not only in the process of creating the African Investment Bank (providing interest-free loans to African nations) and the African Monetary Fund (to be centred in Cameroon) and eliminating the role of the IMF, he was also in the planning stages of creating a new, gold-backed African currency that would seriously weaken the United States by undermining the dollar.
He was planning to introduce the Gold Dinar, a single African currency that would serve as an alternative to the American dollar and allow African nations to share the wealth.
There are 33 Masonic Lodges in Kenya, 25 in Zimbabwe, two in Seychelles, 18 in Sierra Leone, two in Gambia, nine in Tanzania, four in Uganda, 57 in Ghana, six in Namibia, two in Togo, 11 in Benin, one in Cameroon, three in Congo, 14 in Gabon, 17 in Liberia, one in Mali, 12 in Morocco, 10 in Mauritius, 99 in South Africa, one in Senegal and 31 in Nigeria, all recognised by The United Grand Lodge of England and Grande Loge de France.
Taken from
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